Unused Gift Cards

Donating unused gift cards is a straightforward way to support our work without additional financial commitment.

How It Works

  1. Use this link to ensure your unused gift card funds support n-Lorem.

  2. Select Gift Card Merchant

    Browse the list of stores and restaurants and select an accepted gift card merchant.

  3. Gift Card Info

    Provide the gift card information i.e. card number, pin number, gift card amount.

  4. Select n-Lorem Foundation

    If you used the link above, n-Lorem should already be selected as the supported charity. If not, simply browse the charity list and select n-Lorem.

  5. Personal Information

    Provide your personal information and select the checkbox allowing this information to be shared with n-Lorem. Then, review and finish.

Get Started

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this alone

Together we are changing the world—
one patient at a time

We hope that you join us on this journey to discover, develop and provide individualized antisense medicines for free for life for nano-rare patients. The ultimate personalized medicine approach – for free, for life.

We need your support

Join us on our Corps of Discovery of the mind and heart. Help us bring hope and potential help to nano-rare patients today. For free, for life.

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