Quality Matters
Each patient deserves the very best ASO that we can discover and develop and the professional management of clinical use of an ASO. Though the discovery and development of ASOs may sound simple, it is not. It requires significant expertise, knowledge, experience and automation that n-Lorem has. ASOs are complex molecules that require rigid selection criteria and careful consideration of dosing parameters.

Why n-Lorem?
At n-Lorem, we have the expertise, knowledge, automation, and experience to discover optimal ASOs for our nano-rare patients.
We built n-Lorem knowing that we might one day be treating thousands of nano-rare patients.
- Our founder and our team comprised of experts led the creation and advancement of ASO technology.
- Our discovery methods are built on experience creating millions of ASOs.
- Our automation allows us to screen hundreds of ASOs for each patient program.
- Our expertise includes clinical experience with hundreds of thousands of patients treated with ASOs.
Why is this important?
We understand and respect the challenge. Each patient is a unique drug discovery and development program.
- The risk benefit for each patient is a very complex and different. This requires each patient to be considered and evaluated individually.
- In order to discover the most optimized experimental ASO, a very broad expertise is needed as our patients have disorders that affect the central nervous system, the liver, the kidney or the eye.
- Our pathway is informed by a deep understanding in drug discovery and development.
- We understand what is needed when monitoring and caring for nano-rare patients who are getting experimental ASO medicines.
A commitment to quality
n-Lorem is the culmination of a lifetime of knowledge in advancing the understanding of RNA therapeutics, a broadly enabling drug discovery and development platform, a culture with a bias to always say ‘yes’ and the practice of rigorous quality at every step.
Read more about how Stan Crooke established an innovative environment in which rigorous scientific enquiry is normal practice.

Pathway to Treatment
Industralizing the treatment of nano-rare
We have embodied quality in every step in our pathway from application to presentation of data. We are industrializing the treatment of nano-rare patients by assuring that each step is of the highest quality possible by bringing knowledge, technical expertise, high quality systems and processes together for each and every patient program.
Our process is informed by a deep understanding in drug discovery and development and contributes to quality at each and every step.

We cannot do
this alone
Together we are changing the world—
one patient at a time
We hope that you join us on this journey to discover, develop and provide individualized antisense medicines for free for life for nano-rare patients. The ultimate personalized medicine approach – for free, for life.
Follow us on social for updates on our latest efforts