n-Lorem Check2023-06-13T14:54:59-04:00

n-Lorem Check

If you have questions or issues completing the form, please contact us by email at [email protected].

  • n-Lorem Checks System

    Are to be awarded for extra-demanding work or achievement of important goals.

    Process: Anyone can email a direct supervisor to recommend an n-Lorem check for individual if supervisor approves the issuer and/or supervisor can submitt via the link below for review by Stan Crooke.

  • a. Name of Nominee (If this is a team nomination enter the name of one person on that team. You'll be able to enter the other team members in step (b.):

  • 2. Check all items that describe your Nominee(s)...then explain why. Please give examples for each item checked.

  • Once you complete this form, click on the "Submit" button below. This will then email you a copy of the submission, which is also emailede to be approved for processing.

  • Should be Empty:

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